Let Your Light Shine

I grew up singing a song that children have sung for ages- “This Little Light of Mine.” 

Perhaps you did, too. The chorus states simply: 

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

This song is profound in its simplicity.  

Light illuminates. It brings warmth and clarity and freedom. 

I believe that God has given each of us a unique light to shine 

through our own very particular hearts, bodies, and voices. 

He’s placed in some of us a musical light. 

This light must be nurtured to shine brighter. 

The world can be a dark and diminishing place that makes us want to hide our light. It takes courage to share our gifts. We need others who see our light, reflect its beauty back to us, and shine alongside us. 

If you are looking for someone to tend to your musical light, I would love to guide you and give you the tools and awareness you need to shine your very brightest.